
Improving Teacher Wellbeing #Teacher5aday

Well January has passed, it seems like the longest month. So many successes and achievements as well as set-backs and challenges. It seems like a good time to reflect on the teacher wellbeing pledges I made to #teacher5aday in this blog.

#Connect – Aha achieved this one by presenting at #bett2016 however did feel I missed a lot of people I wanted to meet up with. I did meet the fantastically enthusiastic Su Adams at the Zu3D stand.

Bett Exhibition Wellbeing Curriculum presentation

The day was so busy and I was very nervous prior to my session on Online safety and the wellbeing curriuclum. It went well even though I missed a section and had to look at my notes once or twice. If anyone wants to suggest a collaborative presentation at some point this year get in touch! Next on the list is a teachmeet.

#Exercise – Well I have walked about 20% of the time so an improvement. work started piling up and I needed that extra 20 minutes (Honest). More effort required here.

#Notice – Going well this one, although it is mainly just looking out of the window. I did notice an excellent (double) rainbow.

Teacher wellbeing rainbow over the sea

#Learn – I feel I have learned so much already (see #connect, I want to apply this and present something again before next year) Worked hard at sorting out our school data and want to look deeper into behaviour support as part of my Principal PBS instructor role. hopefully teacher wellbeing will remain high on the agenda,


Despite my best intentions and hard work, the results have not been as significant as I had hoped for. However, I am not disheartened, for I believe that every step, no matter how small, contributes to the journey of improvement and growth.

It is essential to acknowledge that making progress takes time and dedication. Sometimes, the road to success may be lined with challenges and setbacks, but it is crucial to stay resilient and continue pushing forward. Each setback presents an opportunity to learn and grow, and each small step brings me closer to my goals.

See other teacher’s Pledges at Martyn’s Blog.

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