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Reward Systems: Rewards and Natural Consequences

Personalisation and Purpose of Reward Systems at Home and School

I am a fan of personalised reward systems in schools as a way to achieve a very specific goal. As a behaviour modification strategy, I have struggled to find a suitable system. I have found star charts or token economy systems a good way for some children to focus on expected behaviour. They can be a good way to remind adults to focus on positive behaviour and redirect to what they want instead of “telling off”. However, they can create a culture of compliance and in SEND education this can lead to unfair expectations. I.e a child could lose out due to an involuntary response to aversive stimuli or impulse control issues.

Using a token reward system chart autism

Rewards rely on motivation and trust to be effective. If you don’t follow through with the promised reward then any reward system will fail. Big or small make sure you stick to your word. The reward system also has to be motivating and relevant to the child. Some people will not use sweets due to health concerns and the association with ABA practices. When we toilet trained the boy we changed the value of each token as his skills progressed.

Designing a Reward System in School and at Home

I was fortunate enough that the kind people at Totsup sent me their big red bus reward chart. This is a great well-made foam board magnetic bus with 10 numbered passengers as the reward tokens. The boy is a vehicle fan so loves the bus. He was very motivated by moving the people from the bus stop into their seats.

We have now used it for different things. Each time the frequency of earning a token and the reward is altered. Our first use was toilet training and each attempt earned a person. 10 people equalled a small PJ masks figure from a collection we picked up on the Facebook market place. Once he achieved this we used it for each successful attempt. 10 people then equalled a large PJ mask figure (of which there were only 3). Finally, we used it for each time he got dressed independently so it was limited to a maximum of 1 person per day. To reflect the extended time frame there was a brand new power ranger figure as the motivator. We only needed this once because we supported the token with lots of praise and once the skill was mastered he enjoyed the independence this brought him.

Use of Reward Systems in Schools

Reward systems in schools can also be a great way of teaching the concept of delayed gratification. For those children for whom waiting presents a significant challenge a well-designed reward system can reinforce the benefits of waiting or turn taking. As an adult, you have huge control over the reward system you choose and the value of the reward.

Reward systems can create a culture of compliance and in SEND education this can lead to unfair expectations

5 Things to Consider When Designing a Reward System.

When you design a reward chart or are planning for how to use one you buy consider the following things:

  • What type of reward chart will motivate and interest them? Stars, logo’s etc
  • How many do they need to earn to gain a reward (start low)
  • What is the aim of the reward chart? Have a set tangible goal in mind – not “be good” but “hang your coat up”
  • In school have a clear task that you expect the child to complete i.e read one book.
  • How long can the child maintain focus on the chart without gaining a reward? Hours? Days? Extend slowly.
Reward system SEND autism

Reward Systems for Autistic Children at School

When designing reward systems for autistic children in your school, it’s essential to consider their unique needs and sensitivities. Here are some top tips for creating effective reward programs:

  1. Clear and Achievable Goals:
    • Set specific, realistic goals that the child can understand and achieve. Clarity is crucial for motivation.
  2. Individualised Rewards:
  3. Start Small:
    • Begin with achievable tasks. Once the child consistently meets the goal, gradually increase the challenge.
  4. Focus on Specific Behaviors:
    • Address no more than two behaviours at a time. Be specific about the behaviour you want to reinforce (e.g., “using a calm voice” instead of “not shouting”). support this with resources like Hero Cards or Social Stories
  5. Visual Cues and Records:
    • Use visual aids like star charts, point systems, or puzzle pieces to track progress. Visual cues enhance understanding and boost self-esteem.
  6. Timely Rewards:
    • Give rewards promptly after the desired behaviour occurs. Immediate reinforcement reinforces positive actions.
  7. Avoid Removing Earned Rewards:
    • Never take away rewards that the child has earned. Consistency is essential for maintaining motivation.

Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA)and Reward Systems

I have only taught a few children with PDA (Pathological Demand Avoidance) noted on their EHCP – Only one with it as a formal diagnosis. Rewards and sanctions set by staff are generally ineffective. I think this is due to the fact the child does not respond to the authority of the adult. This may be linked to control – the adults are using these systems to control the child. In turn, the child defends themselves by refusing the reward. Bill Nason* explains it like this: “The position of the non-PDA adult (who claims to have authority) is, “You don’t understand boundaries because you don’t obey”. Whereas the PDA child’s position is, “My lack of obedience is actually the boundary I’m putting in place to protect myself from your control theft.”

Working With Children With PDA – Covers Reward Systems at School

Natural Consequences of Behaviour

One thing that I have found effective is by allowing natural consequences to play out. To be effective these need to be the actual consequences of the child’s actions. That way it is not you creating a consequence they are a direct experience of the child which can be more educational and valuable than direct teaching. I would suggest not even commenting on the outcome of the action. If you comment or reinforce the natural consequence or make it a teaching point you will negate the organic learning.

Non-contingent Rewards

I have found games and non-contingent rewards more effective. These are rewards given despite no clear reason for them being “earned”. It might be a little toy, time outside, on the swing etc. They just help boost mood and quality of life hopefully leading to improved self-esteem. People will often suggest giving a choice as a strategy to gain compliance from a child with PDA. For example “We are doing maths, do you want to use the green or red pen to complete your work?”. Better ways I have seen used include rephrasing demands as games, using playfulness and building relationships. One example was a TA trying to persuade a child to draw lines between words. She was able to get the child to complete the task by attaching the pen to the back of a toy car – driving = writing.

Using Reward Systems at School With Children with PMLD

If you google “reward systems and PMLD” you get a lot of links that explain how rewarding it is to work with these children. You do not get a lot of ideas for what might be a good way to reward the child themselves. This really does outline the power imbalance that exists for these young people. Any reward system relies on you to do everything in your power to allow that young person to succeed. If they are to engage in their MOVE or Physio sessions you must ensure you communicate what is happening to them. Use the communication they can access but you first need to make sure the child has a grasp of object permanence.

We often use the most motivating thing we can think of to engage and enthuse learners with PMLD (Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities). This leaves little option for rewards that are above and beyond. I think this runs the risk of purposefully denying positive experiences so they can be motivators i.e “you can only have this song once you do … “. Explaining a reward system and the steps needed to achieve the reward will often require a higher level of language than the child can effectively process.

What is Appropriate for a Reward?

Too often people with PMLD are done to, not with. They need to be active participants in their routine otherwise you purely reward them for letting you do what you need to. What is it you give them the opportunity to do? Linking any reward to their SCRUFFY targets can be effective in celebrating small-step success.

Whatever reward you use it should be consistent and celebratory in nature – the achievement gong, the bloomin’ great effort bubble machine. Any reward should be immediate and meaningful to the child. It should take into account their sensory preferences and not replace daily positive experiences. So a favoured song may work unless they have regular song time (and that probably does form some part of their day.).

Reward Systems at School and Home Summary

Reward systems are a popular method of motivation and behaviour management both at school and in the home environment. These systems serve as a way to reinforce positive behaviours and encourage individuals to strive for their best. The implementation of reward systems can be highly beneficial, as they have the potential to foster a positive and encouraging atmosphere for children and adults alike. They need to be used carefully and may not be suitable for all children.

Effective reward systems should be fair, consistent, and tailored to the individual’s age and interests. Rewards should be meaningful and desirable to the person involved, as this will increase their motivation to earn them. Furthermore, incorporating a mix of both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards can encourage the development of self-motivation and a sense of personal achievement.

In conclusion, reward systems play a significant role in providing motivation and shaping behaviour in both school and home settings. When implemented effectively, they can create an environment of encouragement, personal growth, and responsibility. By recognizing and celebrating positive achievements, reward systems have the ability to make a positive impact on individuals of all ages. So whether it’s a star chart, a points system, or another method, incorporating a well-designed reward system can be a valuable tool in promoting positive behaviour and achieving desired outcomes.

Reward systems for sen pupils

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