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Town and Country Sensory Story

Town and country sensory story booklet front cover tree in a field with blue sky and an urban street with cobbled road and industrial victorian buildings

The Town and Country Sensory Story was written for the cornerstones industrial revolution topic. This was designed to be meaningful for PMLD learners as well as their peers so they can all take something away from the shared experience of multi-sensory storytelling. If you are interested in finding out more about sensory stories have a look at the link below. We earn a small commission on any purchase through this affiliate link but it costs you nothing and helps pay the hosting fees.

Sensory Story Books

To make it relevant to all learners we focussed on the difference or change between rural and urban environments. The transition from the countryside to the town. The sensory story included here is a single sense simple story. We focus specifically on the sense of hearing. I have included suggested resources for creating a multi-sensory story. You just have to change “hear” to “see”. Be as creative as you like and add in your own character and that of your local area. If you are looking for more sensory stories check out our main sensory story page here. The resources and PDF sensory story are provided for free but please share this page.

Make it Local

It can be really powerful to reference local landmarks. Is there a coffee shop with a distinctive smell? Include any stand out sensory experiences that you have as you walk around your local town or park.

Sensory Story: Town/Country

We listen to the forest sounds

With leaves and sticks across the ground

The countryside is peaceful here

What sounds are coming to your ear

I hear the birds up in the tree

I hear the buzzing bumblebee

I hear the rustle of the leaves

I hear the breath of you and me

We listen to the busy sounds

Of people working in the town

The street and shops are all right here

What sounds are coming to your ear

I hear the friends telling tales

I hear the market making sales

I hear the train along the rails

I hear my breath as I exhale

Sound Effect Library

Feel free to use these sounds directly from here or download them.

Birds and Bees Ambiance
Gentle Bees in flowers sound effect
City/Town Sound Effect
Train horn sound effect
Train passing sound effect

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