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15 Halloween Play Dough Activity Ideas

15 Halloween Play Dough Activity Ideas for 2023

Fall is here and that means Halloween is just around the corner. It’s the perfect time to engage the little ones in exciting and spooky crafts. One of the most versatile and child-friendly materials you can use for these activities is play dough. Not only does it allow kids to let their creativity run wild, but playing with play dough also enhances fine motor skills.

Before we dive into the 15 Halloween play dough activity ideas, let’s start with a simple, non-toxic play dough recipe that you can make at home.

Homemade Play Dough Recipe


  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 1/2 cup salt
  • 2 tablespoons cream of tartar
  • 1.5 cups boiling water
  • Food colouring (optional)
  • Essential oils for scent (optional)


  1. Mix the flour, salt, and cream of tartar in a large bowl.
  2. Stir in the vegetable oil.
  3. If you’re using food colouring and essential oils, add them to the boiling water, then slowly pour the water into the dry ingredients, stirring continuously until a dough forms.
  4. Once the dough is cool enough to handle, knead it until smooth.
  5. Your play dough is now ready. Remember to store it in an airtight container when not in use.

How to make black playdough.

Here’s a quick and easy recipe for making black playdough. It’s perfect for Halloween or any other spooky-themed playtime. 🎃👻

Black Playdough Recipe


  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 3/4 cup salt
  • 4 teaspoons cream of tartar
  • 2 cups hot water
  • 1 teaspoon black gel food color
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon glycerin


  1. In a large pot, combine the flour, salt, and cream of tartar. Stir with a whisk until thoroughly mixed.
  2. Measure 2 cups of hot water and add the black food coloring. Mix until the color is fully dissolved.
  3. Add the black water, vegetable oil, and glycerin to the flour mixture in the pot. Mix thoroughly with a spatula.
  4. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture reaches a playdough-like texture. Be careful not to overcook, as playdough continues to cook a bit and can become dry if overdone.
  5. Remove the pot from heat and transfer the playdough onto a plate.
  6. Once the playdough is cool enough for an adult to handle, knead it well.
  7. Cover the playdough with a wet paper towel until it’s cool enough to play with or store.
  8. Store the black playdough in a zipper bag or another airtight container in a cool, dry place.

Enjoy your homemade black playdough! It’s squishy, soft, and perfect for imaginative play.

Now that you have your play dough, it’s time for some Halloween fun.

Halloween Play Dough Activity Ideas for EYFS

Halloween Play Dough Activity Ideas

1. Pumpkin Patch

Create a small pumpkin patch with orange play dough. Show your child how to roll the dough into small balls and flatten the top and bottom to make a pumpkin shape. Use a toothpick or a small stick to make lines on the pumpkins.

2. Haunted House

Build a haunted house setting using black and white play dough. Encourage your child to create the house, trees, and ghosts. Use googly eyes for the ghosts to make them more spooky.

3. Spider Web

Create a spider web using white play dough. Roll thin strands and arrange them in a web pattern. Use black play dough to make a little spider.

4. Witch’s Cauldron

Use black play dough to shape a cauldron. Then, use green play dough to create the witch’s brew. Add small shapes like snakes, spiders, or eyeballs into the brew.

5. Play Dough Monsters

Use different colours of play dough to create funny or scary monsters. Add googly eyes, pipe cleaners for arms, or beads for teeth.

Play Dough Ideas for Halloween

6. Halloween Cookie Cutters

Use Halloween-themed cookie cutters to create shapes like bats, skulls, or witches out of the play dough.

7. Candy Corn

Show your children how to make candy corn shapes with white, orange, and yellow play dough. Stack the colours and roll them into a triangle shape.

8. Play Dough Mummies

Make play dough mummies by creating a basic human shape and wrapping it with thin, white play dough strips. Add googly eyes for a fun effect.

9. Pumpkin Faces

Create pumpkins using orange play dough and use black play dough to make faces on the pumpkins.

10. Ghosts in a Graveyard

Use black play dough to create a graveyard scene and white play dough to make ghosts popping out of the graves.

11. Play Dough Bats

Create bats using black play dough. Show your child how to make the body and the wings separately before putting them together.

12. Play Dough Witches

Create witches using different colours of play dough. Make the body, the broom, and the witch’s hat separately and assemble them.

13. Play Dough Skeleton

Use white play dough to create a simple skeleton by forming and arranging the bones.

14. Play Dough Zombies

Create zombies using green play dough. Use red play dough to add some spooky details.

15. Halloween Night Scene

Encourage your child to create a complete Halloween night scene using different colours of play dough. Include elements like a haunted house, a graveyard, pumpkins, and ghosts.

Halloween Play Dough Activity Ideas

These 15 Halloween play dough activities are sure to keep your little ones excited and engaged for hours. Remember, the goal is to have fun and encourage creativity. Don’t worry about the end result. The most important part is the process and the memories you’re creating together. Happy Halloween crafting!

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