
The Ultimate Guide To Splatter Painting in Early Years

If you are a fan of finger painting then Splatter painting is a fun and creative way to make abstract art by flicking, dripping, or throwing paint onto a surface. It can also be a messy activity, so here are some tips on how to choose the right paint, prepare the workspace, and clean up the spills.

Types of Paint to Use For Splatter Painting

You can use different types of paint for splatter painting, depending on the effect you want to achieve and the surface you are painting on. Here are some common options you can pick up easily and cheaply:

  • Acrylic paint: This is a popular choice because it is versatile, inexpensive, and easy to work with. It can be used on canvas, paper, wood, and even fabric. You may need to add some water to the paint to make it more fluid and splatterable.
  • Watercolour paint: This is another option that can create a soft and delicate look. It can be used on paper or canvas, but it may fade over time or bleed into other colours. You can use liquid watercolours or watercolour tubes mixed with water.
  • Latex paint: This is a type of house paint that has a stringy texture and can create a unique splatter effect. It is less expensive than traditional art paints, but it may be harder to clean up. You can use it on walls, cardboard, or fabric. I would suggest a big tarpaulin over the floor below the paper, maybe also keep this for older children who ae working on a specific project.
  • Emulsion: Modern Emulsion is water-based and actually relatively easy to clean up especially if watered down. You may be able to scavenge up some half used paint from a decorating job.
Splatter Painting, Child with apron and gloves
Most Types of Paint are Suitable for Splattering!

Tips for Containing Mess From Splatter Painting

Splatter painting can get messy, so it is important to protect your clothing, furniture, floors, and other surfaces from paint spills and splatters. Here are some tips on how to do that:

  • Wear old clothes and an apron: Choose clothes that you don’t mind getting paint on, and wear an apron or a smock to cover your front. You can also wear gloves if you want to keep your hands clean.
  • Cover your workspace: Find a spacious and well-lit area to do your splatter painting, and cover the floor and the walls with drop cloths, plastic sheets, or newspapers. Tape them securely to prevent them from moving or slipping.
  • Remove or cover furniture and objects: If possible, move any furniture or objects out of the way or to the center of the room. Cover them with plastic or cloth and tape around the edges to seal them from paint.
  • Remove or cover wall fixtures: Take off any switch plates, outlet covers, wall hangings, window treatments, or door hardware that could get in the way or get painted. Cover any electrical points or light fixtures with painter’s tape or plastic bags.
Splatter painting group of children painting on the floor
Use large sheets of paper to contain the mess

How to Splatter Paint

Splatter painting is a fun and creative way to make abstract art by flicking, dripping, or throwing paint onto a surface. There are many ways to splatter paint, depending on the tools you use and the effects you want to achieve. Here are some common splatter painting techniques that you can try. Most of these use things you will have lying around. Keep old toothbrushes, forks, brushes and even bits of wool and string:

  • Using a toothbrush: A toothbrush is a simple tool that can create fine and even splatters. To use this technique, dip the end of a toothbrush in some watered-down acrylic paint, then flick the brush tips with your thumb, using the spring in the brush hairs to propel the paint. You can also hold the toothbrush close to the surface and rub it over a mesh or a screen to create a spray-like effect.
  • Using a paintbrush: A paintbrush is a versatile tool that can create different types of splatters. To use this technique, load a stiff brush with thinned paint, then flick your wrist or tap the brush on your fingers to splatter the paint onto the surface. You can also use a fan brush to create a more spread-out splatter effect. You can vary the distance, angle, speed, and force of your splatters to create different patterns, shapes, and effects.
  • Using a spoon: A spoon is a tool that can create large and dramatic splatters. To use this technique, fill a spoon with paint, then fling it at the surface with a swift motion. You can also use a spoon to drip paint onto the surface for a more controlled effect.
  • Using a straw: A straw is a tool that can create small and precise splatters. To use this technique, dip one end of a straw in some paint, then blow through the other end to splatter the paint onto the surface. You can also use a straw to blow on existing paint drops to create interesting shapes and textures.
  • Using your fingers: Your fingers are tools that can create organic and expressive splatters. To use this technique, dip your fingers in some paint, then flick them at the surface or squeeze them to release the paint. You can also use your fingers to smear, swirl, or splat the paint for a more tactile effect.

Spatter Painting Art Ideas

Splatter painting is a great way to create colourful and abstract art. You can use different tools and techniques to splatter paint on a surface, such as brushes, spoons, straws, or even your fingers. You can also choose different themes to inspire your splatter painting, such as space.

A space theme splatter painting activity parent and two children
Space and galaxies are a great theme for splatter paitning

A space theme is a fun and creative idea for splatter painting. You can use dark colors for the background, such as black, navy, or purple, and then splatter white paint to create stars. You can also use bright colors to create planets, comets, or galaxies. Here are some examples of splatter painting ideas with a space theme:

  • Galaxy painting: You can create a galaxy painting by using a sponge or a brush to blend different colours on the background, such as pink, blue, purple, or green. Then, you can use a toothbrush or a straw to splatter white paint to create stars. You can also use a white gel pen to draw larger stars or constellations.
  • Fireworks painting: You can create a fireworks painting by using a fan brush or a spoon to splatter different colours on the background, such as red, yellow, orange, or gold. You can also use a black marker to draw the outlines of buildings or trees at the bottom of the painting.
  • Flower painting: You can create a flower painting by using a straw or your fingers to splatter different colors on the background, such as pink, purple, yellow, or green. You can also use a black marker to draw the stems and leaves of the flowers.
  • Splatter paint animals: You can create splatter paint animals by using a stencil or a cut-out of an animal shape, such as a bird, a fish, or a butterfly. Place the stencil on a paper or canvas, and splatter paint around it with different colours. Then, remove the stencil and admire your splatter paint animal.
  • Splatter paint portraits: You can create splatter paint portraits by using a photo of yourself or someone else as a reference. Trace the outline of the face on a paper or canvas, and fill it with skin tone paint. Then, splatter paint over the face with different colours to create a colourful and abstract portrait.
  • Splatter paint bookmarks: You can create splatter paint bookmarks by using cardstock cut into strips. Splatter paint on both sides of the strips with different colours, and let them dry. Then, punch a hole at the top and add a ribbon or a tassel to finish your bookmark.
  • Spooky Splatter Paint: Perfect for Halloween craft sessions, You can even splatter paint onto a pumpkin.
Halloween Splatter Painting. Pumpkin
Halloween Splatter Painting

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