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100 Creative Uses for Shaving Foam in the Classroom

100 Ways to Use Shaving Foam to Support Learning

Welcome to a world where creativity and learning collide with a delightful surprise—shaving foam! This versatile material isn’t just for the bathroom anymore. In the classroom, shaving foam can transform everyday lessons into hands-on, sensory-rich experiences that captivate young learners. The possibilities are nearly endless, from exploring the alphabet to simulating volcanic eruptions. Join us as we dive, and splat, straight into a foam-filled adventure, discovering innovative activities that align with the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework, ensuring educational development is as fun as it is effective.

Using Shaving foam in EYFS and SEN classroom curriculum ideas.

Educational benefits of shaving Foam

Sensory Development

Shaving foam provides a rich sensory experience, enhancing children’s tactile senses. The texture, temperature, and soothing nature of the foam can help children develop sensory processing skills, which are crucial for their overall sensory development.

Fine Motor Skills

Manipulating shaving foam helps improve fine motor skills. Activities such as drawing, writing, or sculpting in foam require precise hand and finger movements, strengthening the muscles needed for tasks like writing and buttoning clothes.

Creativity and Imagination

Shaving foam is a versatile material that can be moulded into various shapes and forms, encouraging creativity and imaginative play. Children can create art, build models, or engage in pretend play, developing their creative thinking and problem-solving abilities.

Literacy Development

Using shaving foam for writing practice makes learning letters and words more engaging. Children can practice letter formation, phonics, sight words, and even storytelling in a fun and interactive way, enhancing their literacy skills.

Mathematics Skills

Shaving foam can be used for counting, number formation, and simple arithmetic. It offers a hands-on approach to learning mathematical concepts, making abstract ideas more concrete and understandable for young learners.

Scientific Exploration

Shaving foam can be used in various science experiments and sensory activities, enabling children to explore scientific concepts such as states of matter, cause and effect, and chemical reactions in a safe and engaging manner.

Social and Emotional Development

Group activities with shaving foam promote social interaction and teamwork. Children learn to share, take turns, and cooperate with peers, which helps develop their social and emotional skills.

Language Development

Describing the texture, shapes, and actions involved in foam activities enhances vocabulary and language skills. Children learn new words and concepts, improving their communication abilities.

Cognitive Development

Engaging with shaving foam activities stimulates cognitive development by encouraging children to think critically, make predictions, and solve problems. These activities support cognitive functions such as memory, attention, and reasoning.

Stress Relief and Emotional Regulation

The tactile sensation of shaving foam can have a calming effect on children, helping them to relax and reduce stress. This can be particularly beneficial for children who need help with emotional regulation.

Cross-Curricular Connections

Shaving foam can be integrated into various subjects, creating cross-curricular connections. For example, it can be used in art, science, maths, and literacy activities, providing a holistic approach to learning.

shaving foam play

Personal, Social, and Emotional Development

  • Feeling Faces: Make faces in the foam to express different emotions.
  • Learning Link: Understanding and expressing feelings.
  • Calming Sensory Play: Allow children to squish and spread foam to calm down.
  • Learning Link: Managing feelings and behaviour.
  • Turn-Taking: Use a single tray of foam and take turns drawing.
  • Learning Link: Sharing and turn-taking.
  • Name Writing: Practice writing names on the foam.
  • Learning Link: Self-awareness and literacy.
  • Personal Space: Draw circles in foam to define personal space.
  • Learning Link: Understanding boundaries.
  • Emotion Faces: Draw different emotion faces and discuss them.
  • Learning Link: Recognising and understanding emotions.
  • Group Art: Create a large foam mural together.
  • Learning Link: Collaboration and teamwork.
  • Sensory Bottles: Fill clear bottles with foam and watch it settle.
  • Learning Link: Calming strategies.
  • Foam Handprints: Make handprints and compare sizes.
  • Learning Link: Self-awareness and physical differences.
  • Mirror Play: Use foam to draw on mirrors and discuss reflections.
  • Learning Link: Self-recognition.
  • Group Storytelling: Each child adds to a story by drawing in foam.
  • Learning Link: Collaborative storytelling.
  • Emotion Scenarios: Draw situations in foam and discuss feelings.
  • Learning Link: Understanding emotions.
  • Self-Portraits: Create self-portraits in foam.
  • Learning Link: Self-awareness and identity.
  • Foam Letters of Encouragement: Write kind messages to each other in foam.
  • Learning Link: Positive interactions.

Communication and Language

  • Story Time: Act out stories using foam for scenery.
  • Learning Link: Listening and attention.
  • Alphabet Fun: Draw letters in foam while saying their sounds.
  • Learning Link: Phonics and early literacy.
  • Descriptive Words: Describe the texture and actions of the foam.
  • Learning Link: Enhancing vocabulary.
  • Foam Phones: Create pretend phones and have conversations.
  • Learning Link: Speaking and listening.
  • Sequencing Stories: Draw key story events in foam.
  • Learning Link: Understanding story structure.
  • Role Play: Use foam to create props for imaginative play.
  • Learning Link: Expanding vocabulary and storytelling.
  • Sound Hunt: Write letters in foam and match them to sounds.
  • Learning Link: Phonemic awareness.
  • Word Families: Write word families in foam.
  • Learning Link: Understanding word patterns.
  • Interactive Stories: Children illustrate parts of a story in foam.
  • Learning Link: Comprehension and expression.
  • Rhyming Pairs: Find and match rhyming words written in foam.
  • Learning Link: Rhyming skills.
  • Foam Puppets: Create foam puppets and put on a show.
  • Learning Link: Speech and language development.
  • Descriptive Drawing: Draw something in foam based on a friend’s description.
  • Learning Link: Listening and following instructions.
  • Peer Interactions: Clap with saving foam on your hands
  • Learning Link: communication – action and response.
  • Foam Telephones: Create pretend telephones and practice conversations.
  • Learning Link: Communication skills.

Physical Development

  • Fine Motor Skills: Use fingers to create patterns.
  • Learning Link: Developing fine motor control.
  • Foam Balloons: Blow foam bubbles with straws.
  • Learning Link: Coordination and control.
  • Writing Practice: Write with fingers or small tools.
  • Learning Link: Writing readiness.
  • Foam Puzzles: Draw shapes and ask children to complete them.
  • Learning Link: Problem-solving and coordination.
  • Sensory Paths: Walk fingers through foam trails.
  • Learning Link: Sensory exploration and motor skills.
  • Obstacle Course: Create a small course using foam blobs as markers.
  • Learning Link: Gross motor skills.
  • Foam Digging: Hide objects in foam for children to find.
  • Learning Link: Hand-eye coordination.
  • Foam Stamps: Use stamps to create patterns in foam.
  • Learning Link: Fine motor skills.
  • Foam Tracing: Trace over stencils or shapes in foam.
  • Learning Link: Precision and control.
  • Foam Mazes: Draw mazes in foam for children to solve with their fingers, or a big maze on the playground
  • Learning Link: Fine motor control and problem-solving.
  • Foam Splat Art: Use foam to create splatters on paper.
  • Learning Link: Coordination and creativity.
  • Foam Ball Toss: Create foam balls and toss them into a target.
  • Learning Link: Hand-eye coordination.
  • Foam Sculpting: Sculpt shapes or figures out of foam.
  • Learning Link: Fine motor skills and creativity.
  • Foam Lacing: Threading foam pieces through string.
  • Learning Link: Fine motor coordination.
  • Balance Game: Balance foam pieces on different body parts.
  • Learning Link: Balance and coordination.
  • Foam Sensory Bags: Fill bags with foam for squishing.
  • Learning Link: Sensory exploration.
  • Foam Rainbow Writing: Draw rainbows in foam with different colours.
  • Learning Link: Fine motor skills and colour recognition.
  • Foam Roadways: Create foam roads and drive toy cars over them.
  • Learning Link: Coordination and imaginative play.
  • Foam Footprints: Make footprints in foam and compare sizes.
  • Learning Link: Gross motor skills and measurement.
  • Foam Weightlifting: Pretend to lift foam “weights.”
  • Learning Link: Gross motor development.

Shaving Foam Ideas for Literacy

  • Foam Storyboards: Create storyboards in foam.
  • Learning Link: Narrative skills and sequencing.
  • Letter Hunt: Find and write hidden letters in foam.
  • Learning Link: Letter recognition.
  • Foam Sight Words: Write and read common sight words.
  • Learning Link: Reading fluency.
  • Foam Poetry: Write simple poems in foam.
  • Learning Link: Creative writing and expression.
  • Foam Rhymes: Write rhyming words and match them.
  • Learning Link: Rhyme recognition.
  • Foam Stories: Write short stories in foam and read them aloud.
  • Learning Link: Writing skills and oral expression.
  • Foam Journals: Keep a daily journal in foam.
  • Learning Link: Reflective writing.
  • Foam Labels: Label classroom items with foam words.
  • Learning Link: Print awareness.
  • Foam Predictions: Write predictions about stories in foam.
  • Learning Link: Comprehension and critical thinking.
  • Foam Alphabet: Practice writing the alphabet.
  • Learning Link: Letter formation.
  • Foam Scripts: Write and perform scripts.
  • Learning Link: Literacy and performance skills.

Shaving Foam Ideas for Mathematics

  • Foam Numbers: Write numbers and practice counting.
  • Learning Link: Number recognition.
  • Foam Shapes: Draw and identify shapes.
  • Learning Link: Shape recognition.
  • Foam Patterns: Create patterns in foam.
  • Learning Link: Understanding patterns.
  • Foam Measuring: Use foam to measure lengths.
  • Learning Link: Measurement skills.
  • Foam Addition: Practice addition by combining foam pieces.
  • Learning Link: Basic arithmetic.
  • Foam Subtraction: Practice subtraction by removing foam pieces.
  • Learning Link: Basic arithmetic.
  • Foam Fractions: Demonstrate fractions with foam parts.
  • Learning Link: Understanding fractions.
  • Foam Sorting: Sort foam objects by size, shape, or color.
  • Learning Link: Classification and sorting.
  • Foam Graphs: Create bar graphs with foam pieces.
  • Learning Link: Data representation.
  • Foam Symmetry: Create symmetrical designs in foam.
  • Learning Link: Understanding symmetry.
  • Foam Estimation: Estimate quantities of foam pieces.
  • Learning Link: Estimation skills.
  • Foam Counting: Count items embedded in foam.
  • Learning Link: Counting practice.

Understanding the World

  • Foam Maps: Create shaving foam maps of imaginary places, mountains etc.
  • Learning Link: Geography and spatial awareness.
  • Foam Volcanoes: Simulate volcanic eruptions with foam.
  • Learning Link: Science and natural phenomena.
  • Foam Weather: Draw different weather patterns.
  • Learning Link: Understanding weather.
  • Foam Animal Tracks: Create and identify animal tracks.
  • Learning Link: Animal recognition.
  • Foam Seasons: Illustrate the four seasons.
  • Learning Link: Understanding seasons.
  • Foam Lifecycle Diagrams: Draw the lifecycles of plants or animals.
  • Learning Link: Understanding growth and change.
  • Foam Planet Models: Create models of planets and space scenes.
  • Learning Link: Astronomy and spatial awareness.
  • Foam Water Cycle: Illustrate the water cycle in foam.
  • Learning Link: Understanding natural processes.
  • Foam Gardens: Create foam gardens to explore plant types.
  • Learning Link: Botany and environment.
  • Foam Landmark Models: Create famous landmarks.
  • Learning Link: Geography and cultural awareness.
  • Foam Fossils: Simulate fossil digging and make foam fossils.
  • Learning Link: Paleontology and history.
  • Foam cloud Chart: Create daily foam cloud charts.
  • Learning Link: Meteorology and observation.
  • Foam Habitat Dioramas: Create different animal habitats.
  • Learning Link: Ecosystems and biology.
  • Foam Transportation Models: Build different transportation types.
  • Learning Link: Understanding transport systems.
  • Foam Erosion Simulation: Simulate erosion with foam and water.
  • Learning Link: Geology and natural processes.
  • Foam Food Chains: Create and understand food chains, use foam blobs to hold toy animals in place.
  • Learning Link: Biology and ecology.
  • Foam Clock Faces: Draw clock faces to learn to tell the time.
  • Learning Link: Time-telling and numeracy.

Expressive Arts and Design

  • Foam Painting: Use foam to create textured paintings.
  • Learning Link: Creative expression.
  • Foam Sculptures: Create 3D sculptures from foam.
  • Learning Link: Artistic skills and creativity.
  • Foam Collages: Combine foam with other materials for collages.
  • Learning Link: Mixed media art.
  • Foam Printmaking: Use foam to create prints on paper.
  • Learning Link: Printmaking techniques.
  • Foam Mosaics: Create mosaic patterns with foam pieces.
  • Learning Link: Art and design.
  • Foam Puppetry: Make puppets and perform puppet shows.
  • Learning Link: Dramatic play and storytelling.
  • Foam Masks: Create and decorate foam masks.
  • Learning Link: Art and self-expression.
  • Foam Costumes: Design and wear costumes made from foam.
  • Learning Link: Creativity and role play.
  • Foam Music Notes: Draw music notes and create simple songs.
  • Learning Link: Music and rhythm.
  • Foam Dance Props: Make props for dance activities.
  • Learning Link: Dance and movement.
  • Foam Story Stones: Create story stones and tell stories.
  • Learning Link: Narrative skills and creativity.
  • Foam Stage Sets: Design and build stage sets for plays.
  • Learning Link: Theatre arts.
  • Foam Murals: Collaborate on large foam murals.
  • Learning Link: Group art projects.
  • Foam Jewelry: Create wearable art from foam.
  • Learning Link: Craft and design.
  • Foam Shadow Art: Use foam to create shadow art.
  • Learning Link: Light and shadow exploration.

Additional Shaving Foam Activities

  • Foam Science Experiments: Conduct simple science experiments.
  • Learning Link: Scientific inquiry and process.
  • Foam Geometric Shapes: Explore and create geometric shapes.
  • Learning Link: Geometry and spatial reasoning.
  • Foam Sensory Letters: Create textured letters for touch recognition.
  • Learning Link: Sensory exploration and literacy.
  • Foam Texture Exploration: Compare foam with other textures.
  • Learning Link: Sensory development.
  • Foam Light Table Art: Use foam on a light table for visual effects.
  • Learning Link: Visual arts and sensory play.
  • Foam Counting Games: Use foam pieces for counting games.
  • Learning Link: Numeracy skills.
  • Foam Color Mixing: Mix coloured foams to explore colour theory.
  • Learning Link: Color recognition and art.
  • Foam Story Mapping: Draw story maps in foam.
  • Learning Link: Comprehension
  • Foam Splat: Use a fly swot to splat the foam!
  • Learning Link: No idea but it is fun!
  • Shaving Foam Marvelous Medicine: Mix shaving foam with other child-safe stuff like Jelli Bath
  • Learning Link: Sensory Development


I hope this post helps you come up with some great learning ideas to use Shaving Foam with your class.

100 Creative Uses for Shaving Foam in the Classroom

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