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How Kinetic Sand Can Benefit Children

The Benefits of Kinetic Sand for Autistic Children

For many children with autism, sensory play is an essential part of their learning and development. Sensory play involves activities that stimulate the senses, such as touch, sight, sound, smell, and movement. One of the most popular and versatile sensory play materials is kinetic sand, a moldable and soft substance that can be shaped, cut, squeezed, and sculpted.

Kinetic sand is not only fun and engaging but also has many benefits for children. Here are some of the ways that kinetic sand can help children with autism form new nerve pathways, regulate emotions, and create balance in a nervous system that is often overwhelmed.

kinetic sand child playing EYFS autism

1. Kinetic sand improves tactile sensitivity

Tactile sensitivity is the ability to perceive and respond to touch stimuli. Some autistic children have tactile defensiveness, which means they are hypersensitive to certain textures and sensations. They may avoid or react negatively to touching certain materials, such as clothing, food, or sand.

Kinetic sand can help children with tactile defensiveness overcome their aversion and discomfort by exposing them to a gentle and soothing texture. Unlike regular sand, kinetic sand does not stick to the skin, leave residue, or cause irritation. It is also easy to manipulate and control, which gives children a sense of mastery and confidence.

By playing with kinetic sand, children can gradually increase their tolerance and enjoyment of touch stimuli, which can improve their daily functioning and social interactions. If your child doesn’t get on well with the sand you can always try Play-Doh which shares many of the same benefits.

How Kinetic Sand Can Benefit Children Learning Through Play

2. Kinetic sand enhances fine motor skills

Fine motor skills are the skills that involve the coordination of small muscles in the hands and fingers. They are important for performing tasks such as writing, drawing, buttoning, and cutting. Many children with autism have difficulties with fine motor skills, which can affect their academic performance and independence.

Kinetic sand can help children with autism develop and practice their fine motor skills by offering them various opportunities to manipulate and create with the sand. For example, they can use tools such as knives, scissors, cookie cutters, or moulds to cut, slice, or shape the sand. They can also use their fingers to pinch, poke, roll, or press the sand.

By playing with kinetic sand, autistic children can improve their hand-eye coordination, dexterity, strength, and precision, which can benefit their learning and self-care abilities.

3. Kinetic sand boosts creativity and imagination

Creativity and imagination are the abilities to generate and express original and novel ideas. They are important for cognitive and emotional development, as well as for problem-solving and coping skills. Some children with autism have difficulties with creativity and imagination. Some research finds autistic creativity can be enhanced with accommodations like special interests as inspiration. Weaknesses in one area do not preclude strengths in others. Autistic imagination may show in detailed world-building versus pretense which Kinetic sand can help – to use gaming terminology a sandbox.

Kinetic sand can help children with autism enhance their creativity and imagination by providing them with a flexible and open-ended medium for expression. Unlike other toys or materials, kinetic sand does not have a fixed shape, colour, or function. It can be anything that the child wants it to be, such as a castle, a cake, a snake, a star, or their favourite fortnite map. This encourages independent play.

By playing with kinetic sand, autistic children can explore their interests, preferences, and emotions, and communicate them through their creations. They can also use kinetic sand to engage in pretend play, which can help them develop their perspective-taking and empathy skills.

4. Sand promotes self-regulation and calmness

Relaxation and calmness are the states of being free from stress, anxiety, and agitation. They are important for mental and physical health, as well as for emotional regulation and coping skills. Many autistic children experience stress, anxiety, and agitation, which can affect their behaviour and well-being.

Kinetic sand can help children with autism achieve relaxation and calmness by providing them with a sensory-rich and soothing activity. The texture, sound, and movement of kinetic sand can have a calming effect on the nervous system, which can reduce stress, anxiety, and agitation. Kinetic sand can also serve as a positive outlet for emotions, such as anger, frustration, or sadness.

By playing with kinetic sand, children can experience a sense of peace, comfort, and satisfaction, which can improve their mood and self-esteem.

My parents bought this game – Sink N Sand to play when we visited it is great fun for all ages. A bit like kerplunk but with sand.

Kinetic sand game EYFS social communication

The Easiest “Moon Sand” Recipe

I’m pretty sure there is a trademark involved so here is a super simple recipe for making “Moon sand”. You can use vegetable oil or baby oil. If you want to use play sand you can just add some flour and a little oil. 5 tbsp sand, 3 tbsp flour and 1 tbsp oil.


  • Mix 8 parts flour with 1 part oil.
  • Add food coloring for extra fun.
  • Adjust consistency as needed.

Playing Tips:

  • Cover surfaces to contain mess.
  • Use a tray for easy cleanup.

Looking after your Moon Sand:

  • Store in a sealed container for up to a month.
  • Add sand for a grittier texture.


Kinetic sand is a wonderful sensory play material that can benefit children with autism in many ways. It can improve their tactile sensitivity, fine motor skills, creativity and imagination, and relaxation and calmness. Kinetic sand can also be used in various settings, such as home, school, or therapy, and with different toys, tools, or objects. Kinetic sand is a fun and easy way to support the learning and development of all children.

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