
What is Special Education?

Table of Contents

    Special Education: A Comprehensive Overview

    Special education in The United States is a pedagogical approach designed to cater to the unique learning needs of students with disabilities or special needs. Its primary objective is to furnish these students with an effective education that caters to their distinctive learning requirements and propels them towards making progress towards their goals.

    Eligibility for Special Education

    Students are eligible for special education services when they qualify under one or more categories of Specific Learning Disabilites. Here’s a detailed look at the common eligibility categories:

    1. Specific Learning Disability: This includes conditions like dyslexia (difficulty in reading), dyscalculia (difficulty in math), and dysgraphia (difficulty in writing).
    2. Speech or Language Impairment: This involves difficulties in speech sounds, voice, fluency, or language that hampers communication.
    3. Autism Spectrum Disorder: This includes a range of neurodevelopment disorders characterized by difficulties in social interaction and communication.
    4. Emotional Disturbance: This refers to conditions that might exhibit characteristics like an inability to learn, build or maintain satisfactory relationships, inappropriate behavior or feelings, and more.
    5. Intellectual Disability: This includes significantly subaverage general intellectual functioning, coupled with deficits in adaptive behavior.
    6. Hearing Impairment and Visual Impairment: These are disorders that significantly affect a student’s educational performance.
    7. Orthopedic Impairment: This involves severe orthopedic impairments that adversely affect a child’s educational performance.
    8. Traumatic Brain Injury: This refers to an injury to the brain caused by external physical force, resulting in total or partial functional disability or psychosocial impairment.
    9. Multiple Disabilities: This involves simultaneous impairments, the combination of which causes severe educational needs.

    Evaluation Process

    To ascertain if a student qualifies for special education, schools undertake a comprehensive individual evaluation. This process encompasses assessments conducted by a multidisciplinary team, potentially consisting of a school psychologist, speech therapist, occupational therapist, and a special education teacher.

    The team gathers information through a variety of methods such as tests, observations, review of records, and interviews. They seek to determine if the student has a disability that severely impedes educational performance. If the criteria are met, the student is deemed eligible, and an Individualized Education Program (IEP) is developed.

    Individualized Education Program (IEP)

    The IEP is a legally binding document that delineates the services and accommodations that the school will offer to cater to the child’s unique needs and aid them in academic achievement. The elements encapsulated in an IEP include:

    1. Current performance levels: This provides a baseline for setting goals and planning services.
    2. Annual goals: These are achievable within a year and help track the student’s progress.
    3. Special education and related services to be provided: This outlines the specific services the student will receive.
    4. Participation in state and district-wide tests: This section identifies any accommodations required for the student during testing.
    5. Accommodations and modifications: These are changes that help the student overcome or work around their disability.
    6. Placement in the least restrictive environment: This ensures the student is placed in an environment that allows them to learn alongside their non-disabled peers to the greatest extent appropriate.
    7. Transition planning for post-school goals: This prepares the student for life beyond school.

    IEPs are subjected to annual reviews and are updated to align with the evolving needs of the student.

    Navigating the Seven Steps of the Individualized Education Program (IEP) Process

    The Individualized Education Program (IEP) is a critical tool designed to help each child with special needs get the most out of their school experience. The IEP process consists of seven fundamental steps: pre-referral, referral, identification, eligibility, development of the IEP, implementation, and reviews and re-evaluations.

    Referral Stage for an IEP

    The pre-referral stage is the starting point. It involves documenting the child’s challenging areas and evaluating the effectiveness of standard classroom accommodations. If a child continues to struggle despite preliminary accommodations, they are referred for a special education evaluation, marking the onset of the referral stage. This stage involves a comprehensive collection of observational information along with work samples.

    Following referral, the IEP team, often comprising teachers, parents, and school administration, will evaluate the efficacy of the implemented interventions. If these strategies prove insufficient, a formal evaluation is carried out to ascertain whether the child qualifies for special education services, thus marking the identification and eligibility stages. In some cases, further intervention may be needed to enhance the child’s learning experience.

    IEP Eligibility Determination

    As part of the eligibility determination, the child’s abilities are assessed, and they are categorized under one of 13 disability classes. The evaluation aims to identify children who require special attention and those who can continue with normal classroom learning. Parental involvement is particularly important at this stage, ensuring their child’s needs are adequately catered for.

    Following eligibility confirmation, the journey moves to the development of the IEP. The IEP team, inclusive of parents, educators, administrators, other specialists, and a child advocate if requested, convenes to construct the IEP. The meeting is aimed at identifying the child’s individual learning style, outlining both long and short-term goals, determining the resources required, and planning for the least restrictive learning environment.

    Implementation of the IEP

    Once the IEP has been written and endorsed, the implementation stage commences. Newly defined education services are put into action, with teachers following the outlined accommodations and modifications in the IEP.

    The seventh and final stage is reviews and re-evaluations. This crucial stage can happen whenever called for by the parents, but it is mandatory to review the IEP annually. Every three years, a re-evaluation is conducted to ensure the child continues to qualify for special education services. Each review offers a crucial opportunity to discuss the child’s developmental progress and modify goals efficiently.

    Parental advocacy and involvement remain vital at every stage of the process. It is critical for parents to ask questions, champion their child’s needs, and work collaboratively with the IEP team to ensure their child’s well-being and success throughout the journey of special education. In sum, the IEP process, with its seven key steps, provides a comprehensive and systematic way to tailor education to the individual needs of every special needs child.

    Support for Students in Special Education

    Special Education Services

    A diverse array of services may be integrated into a student’s IEP. The most common services include:

    • Specialized instruction: Provided by a special education teacher, this can occur one-on-one, in small groups, or within general education classes.
    • Therapies: These include speech/language therapy, physical therapy, and occupational therapy.
    • Assistive technology: Tools such as audio books, tablets, or communication devices are employed to aid learning.
    • Dedicated classrooms or schools: These cater specifically to certain types of disabilities.
    • Transportation services: These ensure the student can travel to and from school safely.

    Special Education Accommodations and Modifications

    Accommodations are supports that help students work within the framework of the general curriculum, maintaining high standards and expectations. Common accommodations include extended time on assignments/tests, reduced distractions during testing, assistive technology, audio versions of textbooks, and note-taking assistance.

    Modifications, on the other hand, alter what students are taught or expected to learn. These may include simplified text for reading level, focusing instruction on essential concepts, or providing alternate assessments.

    Teaching Strategies

    Special education teachers often collaborate with general education teachers to provide instruction tailored to each learner’s needs. Effective strategies include explicit modeling and scaffolding, use of visual aids like charts and diagrams, breaking skills into small sequential steps, providing immediate and specific feedback, allowing students to demonstrate mastery in different ways, and teaching, learning and organizational strategies.

    The Importance of Inclusion in Special Education

    Over time, special education has gravitated toward more inclusive models where students with disabilities learn in the same environment as their peers without disabilities. The benefits of this approach are manifold:

    • Increased Academic Achievement: Students often perform better academically in inclusive settings.
    • Peer Role Models: Students with disabilities can learn academic, social, and behavior skills from their non-disabled peers.
    • Higher Expectations: The inclusive model often leads to higher expectations for students with disabilities, promoting their growth.
    • Greater Access to General Curriculum: Inclusion ensures that students with special needs have the same access to the full curriculum as their peers.
    • Increased Socialization and Friendship Opportunities: Inclusion facilitates more opportunities for interaction and relationship building with peers.

    Schools foster inclusion by removing physical barriers, providing necessary accommodations, implementing the principles of Universal Design for Learning, and training teachers on differentiation techniques.

    In conclusion, special education is a comprehensive and tailored approach aimed at providing students with disabilities with the personalized instruction and supports necessary for them to become active, successful members of the school community. By understanding and accommodating their unique needs, special education helps these students overcome challenges and make meaningful progress in their educational journey.

    What is Inclusion in Special Education?

    Inclusion in special education refers to the practice of educating students with disabilities alongside their non-disabled peers to the greatest extent possible.

    Key aspects of inclusion include:

    • Students learn together in the same classroom, regardless of disabilities or special education eligibility.
    • Necessary accommodations, modifications, and supports are provided to remove barriers and enable access to learning.
    • Special education services are brought into the regular education setting when needed.
    • Schools foster a welcoming climate of belonging for all students.

    The goal of inclusion is for students with disabilities to be integral members of the classroom who contribute and learn alongside typical peers. Research shows inclusion benefits both students with and without disabilities academically, behaviorally, and socially.

    Inclusive education values diversity, emphasizes abilities, promotes dignity for all students, and aims to eliminate stigma, isolation, and discrimination. It involves a school-wide commitment to meet all students’ needs by removing obstacles, providing accommodations, embracing differences, and offering equitable access to learning.

    Key laws like the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and policies uphold inclusion as a legal right when appropriate. With the proper training, mindset and support, inclusive classrooms allow diverse learners to thrive together.

    Suggested Adaptations you can make to ensure Lessons are Inclusive

    Given these key aspects of inclusion in special education, here are some suggestions to modify any lesson plan to be more inclusive:

    • Group students heterogeneously, with both students with and without disabilities working together. This fosters social interaction and peer support.
    • Pre-teach any key vocabulary so all students have background knowledge to access the lesson.
    • Provide the book and materials in alternate formats as needed, such as large print, audio, or digital text.
    • Use multiple modalities like reading aloud, images, and hands-on activities to engage diverse learners.
    • Implement supports like refocusing questions, visual scaffolds, adapted materials as specified in students’ IEPs/504 plans.
    • For the literacy portion, allow extra processing time and have students re-tell orally to check comprehension.
    • For the numeracy portions, provide counting aids, number lines or skip counting by ones/twos to support math skills.
    • Highlight contributions from all students to emphasize their importance and belonging in the class.
    • Reflect on lessons to continuously improve inclusion of students with a range of abilities. The ultimate goal is for all students to meaningfully participate, learn together and feel valued as part of the classroom community.
    What is Special Education? A Guide to The US Special Ed system

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