
Lesson Observations & Ofsted: The Importance of Typicality.

Ensuring Typicality in Lesson Observations: Why it Matters for Ofsted Inspections

Ofsted inspectors state they aim to observe classroom teaching and learning as it normally occurs in a regular school week. Witnessing aspects of typicality and embedded routines is crucial to understanding the efficacy of a school’s pedagogy and curriculum implementation over time. It would be misleading for Ofsted inspectors to judge based on a one-off display lesson observation planned specifically for their visit. Teachers understandably want to put their best foot forward, but there are a range of ways to demonstrate everyday excellence outside of lesson observations.

What are Ofsted looking for in terms of typicality?

I have written about classroom routines and think that they are one of the most fundamental things you can pick up during lesson observations or learning walks.

Consistent evidence that:

  • Lesson structures and routines are familiar and normed for students. Transitions, beginning/end tasks, behavior expectations etc should look the same as every other day.
  • Teaching reflects an ongoing progression of objectives aligned to the long-term curriculum maps/schemes of work, not isolated to their observation alone.
  • Assessment practices like checking for understanding, feedback, student conferencing are integrated routinely, not conjured for performance.
  • Resources/technologies used are sustainable and accessible to students regularly, not single-serving tools.
  • Interactions capture the authentic culture between all parties as cultivated throughout the year.

Teachers should feel empowered to carry on their normal planning without altering core components or immersed questioning sequences. Where reasonable accommodations can strengthen understanding without compromising normalcy, these will only further illuminate excellent practice. The Inspectors goal during lesson observations is “seeing the seeds sown, not the blooms handpicked”. Typical nourished lessons allowing student independence, ownership and creativity are most compelling. Practices fundamentally transforming learning over time are the true testament to impact they want to recognise.

Ensuring Typicality in Lessons: Tips for Teachers

In addition to understanding what inspectors look for in terms of typicality, I want to offer some practical suggestions for teachers to thoughtfully demonstrate everyday excellence without disrupting their regular routines:

  • Reflect on a recent lesson that went well and mentally enhance the positive elements. Replaying successes builds confidence facing observations.
  • Maintain an ongoing “victory log” or notebook cataloging small wins and celebrations from your classroom over time. Reference specific examples to showcase realistic impact.
  • If nervous about an upcoming observation focus, rehearse the lesson in your head as it normally flows rather than altering pace or activities. Picture interactions and student responses naturally.
  • Maintain long-term curricular plans and assessments as records to show continuity of objectives being met throughout the year sequence.
  • Keep classroom resources, technology use, schedules visibly consistent with daily norms. Inspectors want to see sustainability.
  • Focus positive self-talk on goals like nurturing relationships or mastery of specific skills rather than anxious performance measures. Your students’ experience should remain the priority.
  • If hit with unexpected challenges, reflect constructively on “what worked and what I’d do differently next time” to continually refine practice. Mistakes hold lessons too.

Overall, choosing regularity over performance displays your pedagogy’s depth and impact beyond observations. In cultivating a authentic, orderly learning environment sustained over time lies the truest evidence of excellent teaching we seek to recognize. Keeping children’s well-being and progress at the center will naturally steer typical, learning-rich lessons for all inspectors to witness.

Lesson Observations & Ofsted: The Importance of Typicality.

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